Legislation - Non-Solvency II Undertakings

Legislation which covers elements of more than one of the Life, Non-Life and Reinsurance sectors is listed below.


Statutory Instruments

Legislation specific to Life Insurance Undertakings

Legislation specific to the regulation of Life Insurance Undertakings not subject to Solvency II is listed below.


Statutory Instruments

Legislation applicable to Non-Life Insurance Undertakings

Legislation specific to the regulation of Non-Life Insurance Undertakings not subject to Solvency II is listed below.


Statutory Instruments

EU Directives

Legislation applicable to Reinsurance Undertakings

Legislation specific to the regulation of Reinsurance Undertakings not subject to Solvency II is listed below.


Statutory Instruments

EU Directives

Please note that the list of legislation provided is not exhaustive and is intended to serve as a general guide. Where links are provided to www.irishstatutebook.ie users should note the legal disclaimer on that website.