Influencing the EU and International Regulatory Framework

To a large extent the policy framework for the financial sector is agreed internationally, both within the European Union and at a global level. The Central Bank engages to influence these decisions at every level.

Read our response to the European Commission's public consultation on the operations of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESA):

Response to European Commission Consultation on ESAs | pdf 445 KB Read the European Commission's public consultation on the operations of the ESAs on their website.


In the EU, there are a number of institutions/authorities that agree regulatory policy in Europe.

The European System of Financial Supervision is composed, at the micro-prudential level, of

  • the ESAs:
  • the Joint Committee of the ESAs; and
  • the competent national supervisory authorities, of which the Central Bank of Ireland is one.

The ESAs are sectorally focused; the European Banking Authority (EBA), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) develop the technical Standards, Guidelines and Recommendations which give effect to EU micro-prudential and conduct financial services legislation.

The Central Bank is an active member of the ESAs. Its contribution to the work of the ESAs has helped achieve high quality regulation which reflects the Irish perspective and contributes to the enhancement of Ireland’s reputation and regulatory framework.

Here is some more detail about each of these European bodies and our engagement with them:

EU Institutions

International Organisations

At a global level, the Central bank is actively involved with international organisations and places great importance in being an influential and persuasive participant in international policy debates. Further details on a number of these international organisations and our engagement with them is provided below.