Benchmarks Regulation

The Benchmarks Regulation introduces a regime for benchmark administrators that will ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial benchmarks in Europe. The Regulation entered into application across the EU on 1 January 2018.

The Regulation defines a benchmark as any index that determines the amount payable under a financial instrument or a financial contract, or the value of a financial instrument. It further includes in the definition indices that are used to measure the performance of an investment fund with the purpose of tracking the return of such index, or of defining the asset allocation of a portfolio, or of computing the performance fees.

The Benchmarks Regulation has the following objectives:

  • Improving governance and controls over the benchmark process, in particular to ensure that administrators avoid conflicts of interest, or at least manage them adequately;
  • Improving the quality of input data and methodologies used by benchmark administrators;
  • Ensuring that contributors to benchmarks and the data they provide are subject to adequate controls, in particular to avoid conflicts of interest;
  • Protecting consumers and investors through greater transparency and adequate rights of redress.

The Benchmarks Regulation requires contributors to benchmarks to follow a code of conduct to ensure the use of robust methodologies and sufficient and reliable data. In particular, it calls for the use of actual transaction input data where possible.

The Benchmarks Regulation sets out the requirements for benchmark administrators to be either authorised, registered, recognised or to endorse third country benchmarks, as applicable.

Benchmarks deemed critical are subject to stricter rules, including the power for the supervising authority to mandate contributions of input data.

Read more about Benchmarks Legislation.

Benchmark Key Facts Document

Key Facts Document (KFD) for applicants seeking to be registered under the Benchmarks Regulation.

Key Facts Benchmark Regulations | pdf 538 KB

Benchmark Administrator Application Forms

Application Forms for applicants seeking to be authorised, registered, endorsed or recognised under the Benchmarks Regulation.

Application for authorisation as a Benchmark Administrator | pdf 900 KB Application for registration as a Benchmark Administrator | pdf 949 KB Checklist for authorisation as a Benchmark Administrator | pdf 684 KB Checklist for authorisation as a Benchmark Administrator | doc 242 KB Checklist for registration as a Benchmark Administrator | pdf 867 KB Checklist for registration as a Benchmark Administrator | doc 237 KB Application for Endorsement of third country benchmark | pdf 361 KB