Meet our Researchers

We conduct research, on issues of strategic importance, to help fulfil our mandate. Meet the people behind our research.

Tamanna Adhikari

Tamanna Adhikari

Advisor, Financial Stability

Areas of interest: Household and Small business resilience, Distributional Policy Effects, Climate Transition Risk, Well-Being and Quality of Life

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Gabriel Arce-Alfaro

Gabriel Arce-Alfaro

Economist, Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: Monetary Economics; Applied Macroeconometrics; Bayesian Econometrics

Education: Ruhr Graduate School in Economics, PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:


Quentin Bro de Comeres

Quentin Bro de Comères

Economist, Macro-Financial Division

Areas of interest: Stress testing; Banking; Prudential Regulation; Monetary Policy

Education: Université de Poitiers, PhD

Selected Journal Publications:

David Byrne

David Byrne

Advisor, Monetary Policy

Areas of interest: Monetary Policy, Communications, Macroeconomics, Financial Stability

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


James Carroll

James Carroll

Senior Economist, Climate Change Unit

Areas of interest: Energy Economics, Behavioural Economics, Climate Change and Financial Stability

Education: Trinity College Dublin, PhD

Personal website

Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Daragh Clancy

Daragh Clancy

Head of Division, Monetary Policy 

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, International Economics

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Thomas Conefrey

Thomas Conefrey

Head of Function, Irish Economic Analysis

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, economic modelling, Irish economy, labour market

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Giuseppe Corbesiero

Giuseppe Corbisiero

Senior Economist, Monetary Policy Division

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Financial Economics

Education: University of Mannheim, PhD

Personal Website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:

Peter Dunne

Peter G. Dunne

Research advisor, International Finance Division (Financial Stability

Areas of interest: Money Market & Investment Funds; Bond Markets; Monetary Policy; Safe Assets; Macroprudential Policy for Non-Banks

Education: Queen’s University Belfast, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Mary Everett

Mary Everett

Vahagn Galstyan

Vahagn Galstyan

Advisor, Monetary Policy

Areas of interest: International Macroeconomics, Monetary economics.

Education: Trinity College Dublin, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Roman Goncharenko

Roman Goncharenko

Senior Economist, Research Collaboration Unit.

Areas of interest: Financial Intermediation; Banking; Bank Regulation

Education: Vienna Graduate School of Finance, PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications

Robert Goodhead

Robert Goodhead

Senior Economist, Monetary Policy Division

Areas of interest: Macro-econometrics, Natural Language Processing.

Education: European University Institute, PhD

Personal Website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:


Jane Kelly

Jane Kelly

Senior Economist, Behavioural Consumer Finance Unit

Areas of interest: Behavioural consumer finance; Household and SME credit; Macroprudential policy, Financial crises.

Education: University College Dublin, MA

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Neil Killeen

Neill Killeen

Head of Function, Macroprudential Policy for Non-Banks, International Finance Division

Areas of interest: Non-bank financial intermediation, international finance

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Matija Lojez

Matija Lozej

Advisor in Macro Modelling, Irish Economic Analysis, Macro Modelling

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, DSGE models, Labour economics, Time series, Monetary and fiscal policy

Education: University of Amsterdam, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Elizaveta Lukmanova

Elizaveta Lukmanova

Economist, Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: Monetary Policy, Macro - Finance

Education: KU Leuven, PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:

Reamonn Lydon

Reamonn Lydon

Head of Function, Monetary Policy Division

Areas of interest: Labour, Household Finance, Inflation.

Education: University of Warwick, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Paul Lyons

Paul Lyons

Manager/Senior Economist

Areas of interest: Banking (including Stress Test modelling, Credit and liquidity risk analysis), Macroprudential Policy, Mortgage market, Climate Risks, micro-econometrics, pensions and investment portfolio analysis, R/SQL.

Education: MSc in Financial & Industrial Mathematics, Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:


Boryana Madzharova

Boryana Madzharova

Senior Economist, Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: Public Finance, Value-added tax, Microeconometrics

Education: CERGE-EI, Ph.D.

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:

  • Taxes and Gender Equality: The Incidence of the Tampon Tax, Thiess Buettner, Frank Hechtner, Boryana Madzharova, CESifo Working Paper No. 10580, July 2023.
  • Poland’s Special Economic Zones: Effects on Regional Economic Development, Jan Hanousek, Boryana Madzharova, Working Paper, February 2023.
Michael Mahoney

Michael Mahony

Economist, Macro-Financial Division

Areas of interest:SME credit demand and supply, climate stress testing, microeconometrics, survey data

Education:University of Nottingham, PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Enrico Mallucci

Enrico Mallucci

Advisor, Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: International Finance

Education: London School of Economics, PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

  • “Differential Treatment in the Bond Market: Sovereign Risk and Mutual Fund Portfolio” with N. Converse, Journal of International Economics, Vol.145, 2023
  • “Natural Disasters, Climate Change, and Sovereign Risk", Journal of International Economics, Vol. 139, 2022.
  • “Sovereign Risk Matters: Endogenous Default Risk and the Time-Varying Volatility of Interest Rate Spreads” with S. de Ferra, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 134, 2022. 
  • “Domestic Debt and Sovereign Defaults”.  Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Vol.54(6), 2022, pages 1741-1775
  • "What drives international capital flows? A return decomposition approach", with G.Cenedese, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 60, 2016, Pages 94–113.
Fergal McCann

Fergal McCann

Head of Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: Macro-finance, banking

Education: UCD, PhD.

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Tara McIndoe-Calder

Tara McIndoe-Calder

Manager, Irish Economic Analysis

Areas of interest: Labour market dynamics; Distribution of household income; Distribution of household wealth

Education: Trinity College Dublin, PhD

Personal website

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications: 


Laura Moretti

Laura Moretti

Financial Research Manager, Macro Financial Division.

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy, NBFIs.

Education: Boston University, PhD.

Personal website


Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

  • Phillips curves in the euro area, Laura Moretti, Luca Onorante and Shayan Zakipour-Saber, Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper 08/RT/19, Central Bank of Ireland, 2019.
  • Noise, News and Oil Price Swings, Luca Gambetti and Laura Moretti, Central Bank of Ireland Research Technical Paper 12/RT/17, Central Bank of Ireland 2017.

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Farah Mugrabi

Farah Mugrabi Otero

Economist, Macro-Financial Division

Areas of interest: Macro-Finance; Macroprudential Policies; Stress Test Modelling; Time Series.

Education: Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

Martin O'Brien

Martin O’Brien

Head of Division, Irish Economic Analysis

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics and Monetary economics; Labour economics; Fiscal policy; Systemic risk and financial stability; Macroprudential policy; Forecasting.

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Gerard O'Reilly

Gerard O’Reilly

Head of Macro-modelling, Irish Economic Analysis

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics; Macro-modelling; Growth and Inflation

Education: Queens’ University Canada, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Michele Pelli

Michele Pelli

Economist, Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: Empirical finance (banking, household finance, corporate finance

Education: University of Zurich and Swiss Finance Institute, PhD

Personal Website

Selected Journal Publications:

Gillian Phelan

Gillian Phelan

Head of Division, Digital Euro Unit

Areas of interest: Monetary policy; Macroeconomics

Education: University College Dublin, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Luca Riva

Luca Riva

Economist, Macro-financial Division

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics

Education: Brown University, PhD

Personal website


Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:


Cian Ruane

Cian Ruane

Manager, IEA

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, Growth, Trade.

Education: Stanford University, PhD

Personal website

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:

Anuj Pratap Singh

Anuj Pratap Singh

Economist, Macro Financial Division

Areas of interest: Experimental and Behavioural Economics, Household Resilience

Education: Trinity College Dublin, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Other Publications:

Michael Wosser

Michael Wosser

Economist, Macro-Financial Division

Areas of interest: Systemic Risk, Systemic Banking Crises, Macroprudential Policy, Tail Risk

Education: Maynooth University, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications

Selected Journal Publications:

Anil Yadav

Anil Yadav

Economist, Research Collaboration Unit

Areas of interest: Innovation and Science Policy; Economic geography

Education: University of Galway, PhD

Selected Journal Publications:

Selected Other Publications:

Fang Yao

Fang Yao

Senior Economist, MFD

Areas of interest: Macroprudential policy; Housing; Macro in general

Education: Humboldt University Berlin, Ph.D.

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications:


Zivile Zekaite

Zivile Zekaite

Senior Economist, Irish Economic Analysis

Areas of interest: Empirical macroeconomics, Monetary economics

Education: University of Glasgow, PhD

Selected Central Bank of Ireland Publications:

Selected Journal Publications: