Securities Holdings Statistics - Q1 2021
Publication date: 21 July 2021
Key Points
- The market value of Irish resident holdings of securities stood at €4,085 billion at end-Q1 2021 (Chart 1), an increase of 5.8 per cent over the quarter, largely accounted for by a €72 billion increase in the prices of listed shares during the quarter.
- Holdings of debt securities stood at €2,138 billion at end-Q1 2021. Holdings of government issued securities were €826 billion (or 39 per cent), with UK Government debt accounting for €313 billion (or 37.9 per cent).
- Irish resident households held €11,565 million of securities with domestic custodians at end-Q1 2021.This represents just 0.3 per cent of the total holdings of Irish residents.
Summary Charts
Chart 1: Total Securities Holdings of Irish Residents

Chart 2: Irish Resident Households’ Holdings of Listed Shares by Issuer Sector
- Irish resident households held €7,352 million of listed shares at end Q1 2021, with the increase in value of holdings driven primarily by a €548 million increase in market prices over the quarter.

Chart 3: Evolution of holdings by Irish residents of green bonds
- Irish resident holders held €20 billion of green bonds at end Q1 2021, of which €15.2 billion were held by Irish resident investment funds. This chart provides an update of a recent behind the data on this topic.

Source: ECB Securities Holdings Database, Refinitiv Datastream
(i) The Securities holdings figures exclude Central Bank of Ireland holdings of Green Bonds
(ii) International organisations are entities created by treaty involving several nations, the issuer of Green bonds are largely international development banks (iii) Data extracted from Refinitiv Datastream July, 2021
Further information
For queries contact: Central Bank, Press Office at
[email protected] or (01) 224 6299